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Multilingual socialisation in education

Workshop leaders: Gabriela Meier and Anita Wood

Multilingual socialisation in education: This approach examines what linguistic norms are accepted, what linguistic choices people make, and what these mean for people in education. This is an approach to understand the role of languages in education from five perspectives: 1) educational environments, 2) language awareness, 3) focus on form, 4) focus on communication, and 5) (self-) evaluation. The workshop will address all these aspects.

Event details



Aim of the workshop: This workshop is designed to try out and provide feedback on an online self-study unit that enables teachers, tutors and lecturers of diverse subjects to think about their own practice. It is also an opportunity to learn more about the topic of multilingual approaches to education.

Benefits for participants: The self-study unit provides a structure for participants to reflect on their educational experience, practice and contexts and the role languages play in this. Furthermore, it will be an opportunity to see how we have designed our research project and meet and network with LEN colleagues.


1)      Get in touch by Wed 27 Feb. 2019 at noon: If you are interested please email Gaby (, so we can send you a link to the self-study unit and the feedback sheet.

2)      Preparation before the workshop (approx. 1 hour): We invite workshop participants to complete the self-study unit before they come to the session. We expect workshop participants to complete the survey and make some notes about this. We are not sure how long this will take, this depends on your experiences. But we think it maybe take an average of about 1 hour. When you finished the self-study unit, all your answers can be downloaded as a PDF. Please bring this PDF and your feedback notes to the workshop as a basis for our discussion.



Baring Court 06